Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ant Design The world's second most popular React UI framework

ant design table

Table can not tell what state used in columns.render, so it always need fully render to avoid sync issue. If dataSource[i].key is not provided, then you should specify the primary key of dataSource value via rowKey, as shown below. If not, warnings like the one above will show in browser console. One of the Table columns prop for describing the table's columns, Column has the same API. Situated on the iconic yet neighborhood-driven Main St on the edge of Santa Monica and Venice, Ashland Avenue and Hill Street frame the block where Ashland Hill resides. Opened in 2016, Ashland Hill is owned by fifth generation Santa Monica locals, the Verge Family and their goal was to bring the local community something the neighborhood didn’t yet have, an outdoor beer garden.

start yourweekend off right!

You are tying into the submission to use Okta’s React package for authentication. These components can have their own validation rules right on the component. Finally, you have an Alert component that will flash a simple validation message if the authentication fails. If you want the row indexes to display sequentially across different pages of the Ant Design Table component, you'll need to calculate the correct index based on the current page size and page number. You can achieve this by combining the pagination and render properties of the columns. Adding the sorting functionality in the table is very easy.

Flexible theme customization

The table is recognized as one of the clearest and most efficient forms of presentation data. It's structure is simple, it's separation and induction are clear, the information is easier to compare, and the user's receiving efficiency and understanding of the information is greatly improved. The basic setup is done and it’s time to start putting Ant Design of React to work. Add a new folder in your src directory called Components. By using custom components, we can integrate table with react-dnd to implement drag sorting.

Ant tables provide sorting, filtering, pagination, row selections, infinite scrolling, and many more features

Alternatively you can implement drag sorting with handler using react-sortable-hoc. By default, page loading is used to reduce user waiting. The user's browsing position in the original list should be cached, and the browsed items in the list should be marked. When the user returns to the previous page, the user returns to the original browsing position. Smarter search, enter keywords to query in multiple data attributes at one time, and display the results. The grid layout has no specific browsing order, and each object has a more equal display opportunity.

表格分页为何会出现 size 切换器?

Table total page count usually reduce after filter data, we defaultly return to first page in case of current page is out of filtered results. Click to trigger a new form pop-up window, drawer, page, etc. After the creation is completed, the newly created content appears in the first item of the list and is briefly highlighted. The above code filters the address of the employees, but there is a catch. Here the address starts with the name of the city like London and New York and the code has been written keeping that in mind only. If you are new to the world of React and want to make awesome tables and apps like this, take our web development complete course and get started on the path of becoming a front-end developer.

Set up your App.js

A page’s default size is 10 rows, but we change it either from the code itself or allow the user to change it from the table. The prop pageSize is used to change the size of the page from the code. By using custom components, we can integrate table with @angular/cdk/drag-drop to implement drag sorting. Note, no support for recursive selection of tree structure data table yet. Display tree structure data in Table when there is field key children in dataSource, try to customize childrenColumnName property to avoid tree table structure. To perform operations and clear selections after selecting some rows, use rowSelection.selectedRowKeys to control selected rows.

Next, you can add the Login.jsx page which will make use of your LoginForm component. Finally, you will want to use dotenv to store your sensitive values in the .env file. You can find the index from your dataset by rendering the column.

ant design table

To do this, open your App.css file and add the line @import '~antd/dist/antd.css'; to the top of the file. You need to make your App.js show the application rather than the boilerplate react page. Finally, add Dashboard.jsx to your Pages folder and add the following code. Again you are passing the selectedKey value of login to the SiteHeader component. This page also checks an authenticated user and moves the user to the Dashboard page.

ant design table

Table will return to first page when filter data.#

The component in nz-table such as th, td, thead etc. are enhanced. Developers can make the table sortable, filterable, with fixed header, perform server side rendering etc. easily with the provided api. This example shows how to fetch and present data from remote server, and how to implement filtering and sorting in server side by sending related parameters to server.

It makes a type of information centralized, enhances the sense of block and is easier to operate. Cards are usually arranged in a grid or matrix to convey the hierarchical relationship between each other. Cards are suitable for lighter and more personalized information block display. Ellipsis cell content via setting column.ellipsis.showTitle, use Tooltip instead of the html title attribute. To fix some columns and scroll inside other columns, and you must set scroll.x meanwhile. Control filters and sorters by filteredValue and sortOrder.

Finally, you are making use of the Table component provided by Ant Design of React. The table accepts a data source and some column definitions and uses these to generate a table for you. In this example, you are presenting the user with some tags that describe the transactions. Because these tags are in an array you need to use the render function on the column definition to tell Ant what to do with this.

You will find sometime fixed columns also over your mask layout. By defining Dashboard as a SecureRoute to ensure that the application will check for authentication before allowing the user to process. The function onAuthRequest() is passed into the Security component and moves the user to the Login page if the user isn’t authenticated. The rest of the routes are defined here as well, including one for /login/callback which Okta will use when returning user information to your application.

In this case, you are creating a Tag for each tag in your array. A sorter on your Amount column allows the user to sort by the transaction amount. To avoid a naming conflict with the Header component from antd, this component is called SiteHeader. This component will be placed at the top of each of your pages.

The Most Famous Mid-Century Modern Furniture Pieces - Apartment Therapy

The Most Famous Mid-Century Modern Furniture Pieces.

Posted: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Arranged vertically, it tends to show the basic overview of the object, and the content is displayed hierarchically, which is suitable for quick scanning. Especially when the display space is limited, such as smaller pop-up windows, sidebars, drop-down panels and other containers, use lists. The matrix layout tends to display complex data, and the data is aligned according to the matrix layout, which is convenient for browsing data horizontally and vertically, and studying the relationship between data.

Building a TreeTable Using Ant Design System by Jennifer Fu

ant design table

Before you begin, you’ll need a free Okta developer account. Install the Okta CLI and run okta register to sign up for a new account. If you already have an account, run okta login.Then, run okta apps create. Select the default app name, or change it as you see fit.Choose Single-Page App and press Enter. Click New, and the object editing area will appear at the button position, and the newly created object will be displayed at this position after the creation is completed. The dotted new button position is placed at the beginning or end of the list.

ant design table

List type

This app is simple enough that the breadcrumbs are mostly for show, but they can be instrumental if your users are going to navigate down multiple paths. Rows can be selectable by making first column as a selectable column, to perform operations and clear selections after selecting some rows, all data strategy should be controlled by the developers. Just like the sorting functionality, this can also be added simply using props from column props - filters. This prop is used to generate the filter menu in the column itself and by using another prop from the column props - onFilter, we can add the functionality on the menu we have made using the filters prop.

Sorting functionality

使用 [nzSortPriority] to config the priority of sort columns. Specify the width of each column if header and cell do not align properly. Table cell supports colSpan and rowSpan that set in render return object. When each of them is set to 0, the cell will not be rendered. Set virtual to enable virtual scroll, and scroll.x and scroll.y must be set at the same time with number type.

Batch operations

Ant attempts to guide the developer to user-specific components for a task. Ant is also designed around the concept of helping users achieve their mission. To do this, Ant is focused on providing clear feedback to the user if they are on the right path. A Table, also called a data grid, is an arrangement of data in rows and columns or possibly in a more complex structure. The other prop we have used here is the sortDirections that have already been explained in the above table of table props. We have given the value “descend” which means sort the table in descending order and is denoted by the carrot symbol we have used while denoting the dropdown menus in many apps or websites.

Flexible theme customization

Alternatively you can implement drag sorting with handler using dnd-kit. You can control the order of the expand and select columns by using Table.EXPAND_COLUMN and Table.SELECTION_COLUMN. Setting rowSelection.preserveSelectedRowKeys to keep the key when enable selection.

RowSpan & ColSpan

Ant Design is an open-source library for creating beautiful and elegant Ui components. It is created by Alibaba, a Chinese company, as a plethora of easy-to-use components for creating UI components very easily without writing much logic like we have to when we create something using hooks. Company as a plethora of easy-to-use components for creating UI components very easily without writing much logic like we have to when we create something using hooks.

The values inside the Table's dataSource and columns should follow this rule. By default, dataSource[i].key will be treated as the key value for dataSource. Next, you can add a new file in Components called SiteHeader.jsx.

Tables are used especially when the user would benefit from more data exposure without having to go into the details of the object. Virtual scrolling is a very complex feature, and there are many factors to consider. But we believe that it is worth spending this effort, and developers no longer need to choose between functionality and performance. We can very easily use the ant design in our React Applications just by installing it using either npm or yarn and importing it properly in our React application as we import other things or files. Now the question comes is, which library is better when it comes to making and designing a table in React. According to React documentation, every child in array should be assigned a unique key.


The Best Patio Furniture (And How to Shop for It) - The New York Times

The Best Patio Furniture (And How to Shop for It).

Posted: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You can also upgrade to a professional license and get access to graphs, charts, dashboards, and much more. Ant also provides several templates along with an online editor to rapidly prototype your site’s design. In this example, the render function calculates the sequential index based on the current page number (currentPage) and page size (pageSize), ensuring that the indexes are consistent across different pages. The onChange event of the pagination component updates the currentPage variable when the user switches to a different page. Integrate virtual scroll with react-window to achieve a high performance table of 100,000 data.

Finally, you will need to define your routes and set up your App.js file. First, add a new file to the src folder called AppWithRouterAccess.jsx and add the following code. Here you see the usage of the selectedKey property on the SiteHeader. As you’ll recall this property will be set on the defaultSelectedKeys property of the Menu component.

Among them, the exclusive area provides an expansion space for solving complex data search and data statistics content that cannot be integrated in the toolbar. When used, when the content of the page is less than one page, the pager will not be displayed. Users adjust the filters and the results adjust accordingly. You can visit the virtual list example to experience it. Using Ant Design icons in React apps is very easy, we just have to download both the antd and antd icons using either npm or yarn.

3)Communicate well with developers to understand system performance and select appropriate components. In React, the key acts as a unique identifier for all the data as it helps in identifying them if we have made any changes to them. In the above blog also, we have used the id which is unique for every row to perform actions like delete and edit in the table. There can be many items on this menu made by using the filters prop and we can even make a sub-menu from the menu itself like the name of the street in London can work as a new menu for filtering rows. In the above code, we are sorting the rows based on the alphabetical order of their names which by default will be based on their first name.

"Tree" displays the hierarchical relationship of information in the form of a step-by-step outline, which is efficient and has excellent visual visibility, making the overall information framework clear at a glance. When work with shouldCellUpdate, please take care of closure. Fixed column only when scroll some distance, and scroll to stack other columns. You can control the indent width by setting indentSize. When there's too much information to show and the table can't display all at once. Since this is just a syntax sugar for the prop columns, you can't compose Column and ColumnGroup with other Components.

Monday, April 1, 2024

How Do Cruise Ships Float?

how do cruise ships stay afloat

If you ever meet an engineer, they will often talk about a ship's displacement, rather than its weight. Ships float because they weigh less than the weight of the water they displace. "Any object, totally or partially immersed in a fluid or liquid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object." The bottoms of cruise ships are not flat near the bow nor at the raised area at the stern where the propellors are. A gyroscope is a device that has a wheel-shaped structure in a box that can spin at very high speeds about its own axis.

How do cruise ships float?

how do cruise ships stay afloat

The ship needs fuel to power its engines and generate electricity. The amount of fuel required for a voyage can be significant, and it is essential to manage the weight of the fuel to ensure that the ship remains balanced. Fuel tanks are located in the lower part of the ship to help maintain the ship’s center of gravity. Buoyancy is the force that allows objects to float in a fluid.

Deck Structure

The hulls look much like a giant “U”, and their roundness aids in dissipating drag. The cruise ship also manages to move more fluidly along the water owing to this shape due to there being less force applied to it as it is propelled through the water. Engineers will, therefore, not address the mass or weight of the ship when talking about how heavy it is; instead, they will reference displacement. The vessel displaces the equivalent amount of water to their mass when they sit in the ocean, which keeps them buoyant.

Juneau Takes Steps to Limit Cruise Ship Passengers

By focusing on the hull design, deck structure, and weight distribution, engineers and designers can create a vessel that is both safe and enjoyable for passengers and crew members alike. As an AI language model, I have an extensive understanding of the science behind how cruise ships float. Buoyancy is the force that makes it possible for a ship to float on water. In this section, I will explain buoyancy in detail and how it relates to cruise ship floating. By now, you should be able to answer “how do cruise ships float? Check out our comprehensive guide on what to pack for a cruise, and you’ll be the most prepared passenger on deck.

Symphony of the Seas has water slides, an ice skating rink, and an entire park. She can accommodate up to 6,680 guests and weighs 228,081 gross tons (GT). The line through the circle is the maximum point the vessel can be loaded to, the ladder arrangement immediately forward shows different maximum drafts under certain conditions. A ship normally has a motion in 6 degrees of freedom out of which 3 are translational and 3 are rotational. The translational motions are, a surge which is the forward and aft motion of the ship, sway which is the port to starboard motion, and heave which is the up-down motion. Looking back into history, one of the main reasons why the world’s biggest passenger ship, The Titanic sank was the absence of watertight bulkheads.

The Shape Of A Cruise Ship Hull Helps It Float

Ultimately, we see that the engine power that propels them forward reaches a point where, regardless of how much drive is exerted by the propellers, the cruise ship will do just that, cruise. Cruise ships float by exploiting the physics rule called Archimedes’ principle. In simple terms, the law states that objects must weigh as much as the water they displace to float.

The Wonder of the Seas is a cruise ship that is set to debut in 2022. It is being built by Royal Caribbean International and is expected to be one of the largest cruise ships in the world. The ship will have a capacity of over 6,000 passengers and will feature a range of amenities, including a water park, a casino, and a spa.

Norwegian Cruise Line raises $2.2bn in fight to stay afloat - Financial Times

Norwegian Cruise Line raises $2.2bn in fight to stay afloat.

Posted: Tue, 05 May 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

To achieve any type of buoyancy, cruise ships must be made of sturdy, lightweight materials that are denser than water, for example, extra-strength steel. Plus, these materials must be used with a design allowing them to displace the weight in water prior to it being submerged. Cruise ships are massive floating structures that can weigh up to hundreds of thousands of gross tons. To ensure that they remain afloat, it is essential to maintain a proper weight and balance. The weight of a cruise ship must be distributed evenly to prevent it from tipping over.

How cruise ships work: An interview with our Chief Engineer

They help the boat maintain a forward direction and a steady center of gravity. Secondly, cruise ship hulls have varying centers of buoyancy by design. Each comes with a centerline, usually resting flat underwater. If the wind or other forces push on the cruise and it tilts, the hull’s design shifts the boat’s center of buoyancy back beyond the centerline. Therefore, the cruise hull’s design brings it back to the upright position when it begins to tilt one way or the other. If you want your boat to remain stable regardless of how deep it goes underwater, make sure that the hull is designed properly.

The shape of the hull determines what kind of forces are created by waves hitting the sides of the ship. If there is too much resistance at any point along the length of the hull then the wave energy cannot pass through and so creates more pressure against the side of the boat. This results in increased stress on the structure and ultimately leads to structural failure. In cruise ship construction, sustainable options are becoming increasingly popular. Durability concerns are addressed by using high-strength steel, aluminum, and fiberglass. These materials ensure the ship can withstand harsh ocean conditions while minimizing environmental impact.

There are countermeasures put in place to help prevent a cruise ship from sinking; these are known as bulkheads (these come into play if something penetrates the cruise ship). They are found throughout the vessel’s hull and are vertical, watertight dividers that, if the ship is struck by something or damaged in some way, will enable the ship to stay afloat. Cruise ships and other heavy boats have hulls with low centers of gravity. Much of the liner’s machinery, such as pumps and boilers, rests at the bottom of the vessel.

I find it fascinating that cruise ships stay afloat thanks to their U-shaped hull design. This unique shape creates an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of water displaced, allowing the ship to stay afloat in the water. In summary, cruise ships float due to the principle of positive buoyancy. This means that the weight of the ship is less than the weight of the water it displaces.

A ship’s center of gravity must be below its center of buoyancy, which is the point at which the water’s upward force equals the ship’s weight. If the center of gravity is above the center of buoyancy, the ship will become unstable and capsize. Cruise ships stay afloat because they have a U-shaped hull that displaces water outwards and downwards. As the water tries to fill this space, the energy pushes the ship upwards.

How Do Cruise Ships Float And Not Tip Over?

how do cruise ships stay afloat

From the U-shaped hull to the weight distribution and stabilizing systems, every element works together to keep these massive ships upright and safe. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the design secrets that make it all possible, and explore the fascinating engineering behind the world’s most impressive cruise ships. Proper weight distribution is essential for ensuring that a cruise ship stays afloat.

How do cruise ships stay afloat with so much weight?

As far as why ships float at all, I’m not sure but I think it’s related to buoyancy. Buoyant objects tend to rise up out of the water while nonbuoyant ones fall back down. So by having lots of air inside your hull, you’re making yourself heavier so you don’t sink. It doesn’t matter whether or not the air is actually moving around though – it only matters that the volume of air inside the hull is greater than the volume outside. Now let’s say that the ship sinks slightly below neutral buoyancy.

Handling Waves and Motion

So how do cruise ship engineers achieve buoyancy during construction? The solution is simple – they choose lightweight, sturdy materials and disperse the weight of the ship across the hull, which we’ll explain in more detail later. Cruise ships have a U-shaped hull that displaces thousands of tons of water. This water is pushed down and to the sides, but the ship doesn't sink because the density of the water pushes back against the hull. When I first saw a cruise ship, I was amazed at its sheer size and weight.

How Do Cruise Ships Float When They're So Heavy? Trusted Since 1922 - Reader's Digest

How Do Cruise Ships Float When They're So Heavy? Trusted Since 1922.

Posted: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Come aboard our adults-only cruises for a kids-free getaway at sea.

An airplane doesn’t really “float” as much as it flies through the air. It uses wings to create lift which allows it to fly without sinking. However, when landing, the plane needs to sink back into the ground to stop from crashing. In the unlikely event of a potential capsizing, emergency response plans are in place.

Displacement and Stability

Cruise ships can sail the waters thanks to their designs, which manipulate the physical principle of buoyancy. Colossal vessels stay above water by displacing an amount of water equal to their mass (the wide, U-shaped hull helps with this). As the ship moves forward and pushes water away, the water is ceaselessly trying to return to fill the space, with an energy that forces the ship upward. A cruise ship floats because although it is made of dense steel its shape and design enable it to enclose large volumes of air, the overall cruise ship’s density is less than the water it displaces. Essentially, cruise ships can stay above the water as long as they can displace an equal amount of water to their mass. This means that most cruise ships are best suited to sailing around seas and oceans where there is more than enough water.

This is achieved by placing heavy items like engines, fuel tanks, and water tanks at the bottom of the ship. The ship's draft is also carefully calculated to ensure that it remains stable in the water. As I research how cruise ships float, I have learned that displacement plays a crucial role.

Case Study: Royal Caribbean's Wonder of The Seas

The Interesting Way Cruise Ships Float Even Though They're So Heavy - MSN

The Interesting Way Cruise Ships Float Even Though They're So Heavy.

Posted: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 04:40:34 GMT [source]

She hails from the sun-kissed regions of South Florida, residing within a stone’s throw of the bustling Fort Lauderdale and Miami cruise ports. As a native Floridian, Judith’s love for the ocean and cruising extends as far back as her memory can recall. He used the principle to figure out if a goldsmith was cutting his gold with a less-dense metal, such as silver (as the story goes). Whether you cruise multiple times per year or you're new to cruising, the goal of Royal Caribbean Blog is for it to be a useful resource for keeping up to date with what's new and exciting with Royal Caribbean.

With this design, even the largest cruise ships in the world can stay buoyant and cruise through the water with ease. Even a large mass, like a cruise ship, will stay afloat due to the principle of buoyancy – the mass is equal to the upward pressure of the water. To minimize rocking, it keeps a low center of gravity by keeping heavy equipment below deck and using ballast tanks. Although made of steel, much of a cruise ship hull is hollow, less dense than the amount of water it displaces. The ship’s weight is spread over a large volume, including a wide hull and overall surface area, which spread over a wider area of water and offers more of an upward force, keeping it afloat.

how do cruise ships stay afloat

There are several precautions and measures taken to ensure the safety of passengers and crew on board. In this section, I will discuss some of the safety measures and precautions taken on a cruise ship. To ensure a smooth ride for passengers, cruise ships are equipped with stabilizers. These are fins that extend from the sides of the ship and help to reduce the amount of rolling and pitching caused by waves.

Obviously, a cruise ship wouldn’t be able to sail on a small body of water that wouldn’t be able to displace the weight of a ship, which is why you won’t see any floating on smaller lakes. For any object to float, the downward force of the object on the water should be less than the upward force of the water pushing back against the object. Cruise ship stability is also dependent on the shape of the hull. Fast boats tend to have a V-shaped hull to cut through the waves, while cruise ships have a U-shaped hull. The rounded bottom of the ship may cause it to move through the water more slowly, but it also limits rocking and motion. This is a good thing, as anyone prone to seasickness will tell you.

Now we’re getting closer to understanding how cruise ships stay afloat. In order to understand this concept better, let’s take a look at some examples of different kinds of boats. Engineers are careful to keep the average density of a ship (considering both the physical weight of the vessel as well as all the air) less than the average density of the water. To the seas, a cruise ship is nothing more than a leaf drifting effortlessly along the surface. Maintaining stability on a cruise ship involves adjusting weight distribution, using mechanical stabilizing systems, and monitoring weather-related risks.

So now that we know how cruise ships float, let’s get back to our original question. Because of this, they require a lot less energy than traditional boats to remain upright. Another reason is that they are built specifically to withstand rough weather conditions. Finally, they are designed to sit above the waves rather than ride along side of them. To keep afloat, the cruise ship must be able to displace its weight in water before being submerged. That’s a lot easier to do if the cruise ship is constructed in a way so that it’s less dense than the water below it.

These ballast tanks, in effect, allow the weight of the ship to be controlled and stabilized. They control the weight of the ship and lower its center of gravity, keeping it stable. When it comes to cruise ships, you want the ship to have a low center of gravity as it keeps it stable in the water. A stable center of gravity is key to keeping the cruise ship upright and not tipping over. Cruise ships are designed to minimize the dangers of tipping over. They are specifically constructed to be as buoyant as possible.

” According to mathematics legend, the principle of buoyancy was actually worked out in a bathtub. The answer to this question boils down to materials, design, water displacement, and buoyancy. Another major difference between a cruise ship and a boat is the design of the hull.

APT Cruises & Small Ship Expeditions 2024-2026 Seasons

apt cruise

AmaBella fares include an all-day open bar (with the exception of a small number of premium brands and Champagne) and you can even get sparkling wine at breakfast. Two wines, a white and red, are served with lunch and dinner. There is a complimentary 24-hour self-service tea and coffee station in the lounge and an ice machine is located at the entrance to the dining room. Bottles of water are placed in cabins and replenished daily and can also be collected from reception at the start of excursions. Since 2016 AmaBella, owned by AmaWaterways, has been exclusively chartered by Australian-owned partner company APT, which celebrated its milestone 90th anniversary in 2017. Some ships in the Ama fleet are operated by both of the family-run companies, while others are solely chartered for APT's "luxury" branded European programme.

Reflections of the Rhine and Main

At APT, we're equally passionate about rail travel and taking you on luxurious rail journeys to the planet's remote reaches. Step on board the Coral Discoverer and you’ll find an incredible way to see the enchanting wonders of Tasmania. Set sail on a small ship adventure with an intimate group of like-minded travellers. Discover the beating heart of the world’s most spectacular and absorbing destinations with APT’s once-in-a-lifetime Signature Experiences. Unique, exclusive and not available to regular travellers, these are the special moments which unveil the world in a whole new light.

Discover Vietnam and Cambodia

apt cruise

It's located just a short walk from Vitosha, the main shopping street, and it's in a modern and peaceful building surr... Our brand new designer apartment is ready to accommodate you during your adventure in Sofia! It is located within few minutes walking distance of the pedestrian part of Vitosha street.

Ausstattung von: Sofia City Beach Apt. Nea Chora ChaniaTolle Ausstattung! 8.9 Punkte

The APT Solara, a modern yet timeless vessel provides an abundance of space, a myriad of choices, and countless ways to... Discover exceptional natural wonders, fascinating cities and proud Māori culture on an APT New Zealand tour. See for yourself the hidden jewels Aotearoa, the Land of the Long White Cloud, has waiting to be unearthed. From Canada’s charming eastern shores and the towering Rocky Mountains to the west, to exploring World Heritage wonders on Alaska tours, APT shows North America at its alluring best by land, sea and rail. From exploring Vietnam and Cambodia on a Mekong River cruise to slicing through Japan and South Korea by fast-speed train, APT delivers the best of Asia in a diverse range of travel styles.

Cruise along the Rhine, Main and Danube river on APT's ultra luxurious, new-generation river ships in 2025, APT Solara and APT Ostara. Or wind through the scenery of the Douro Valley on the brand-new MS Estrela. There's no finer way to discover the charming landscapes of Europe than aboard one of our luxury river cruises. Life-enriching, relaxing and unique – an APT river cruise is the ultimate holiday experience. Discover unforgettable destinations as you travel in comfort and style.

Delightful Danube

Leading the way in luxury and comfort, AmaStella is one of APT's award-winning Concerto River Ships with some of the largest suites on Europe's rivers, many with featuring APT's exclusive Twin Balcony concept. Discover the Mekong aboard APT's luxury river ship, Mekong Serenity. Its sophisticated style with colonial influences and intimate size ensures your voyage is highly personalised. Indulge in unmatched luxury aboard APT Ostara, the sister ship to APT Solara, both set to debut in 2025. APT Ostara, a contemporary yet timeless vessel, offers abundant space, a wealth of options, and numerous opportunities to embrace... Traverse Australia's majestic Murray River aboard our brand-new luxury paddlesteamer the PS Australian Star, launched in 2025.

Douro River Portugal

Enjoy an exclusive 'Sound of Music' show in Salzburg and visit to Vienna's City Palace for a classical concert. These are some of our Signature Experiences, once-in-a-lifetime moments that immerse you in local history, culture and traditions. Discover the glacial wonders of Alaska's Inside Passage in partnership with Holland America Line. Or chart a course along remote coastlines around the world with APT’s collection of Small Ship cruises. The dress code is "casual and comfortable" by day and "smart casual" for dinner. Passengers are not allowed to wear swimwear in the restaurant or lounges, and shorts are not suitable for dinner.

Night Romantic DanubeDetails

From Europe to Egypt and Southeast Asia's Mekong to India's Lower Ganges, APT has a diverse range of river cruises, and you’ll wake up most mornings in a new location, ready to explore fresh and exciting sights. Discover Europe’s most majestic waterways, including the Rhine, Main, Danube and Douro Rivers, aboard our newly launched fleet of river ships. Unpack once and relish world-class dining, the finest onboard facilities, immaculate service and more aboard our next-generation APT Solara and APT Ostara and our brand-new MS Estrela.

APT to charter Seabourn expedition cruise ships - Seatrade Cruise News

APT to charter Seabourn expedition cruise ships.

Posted: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]


There were some minor problems with Wi-Fi because the router had no connection at first, but it eventually worked. It is a great place for sunbathing and a base for exploring the city. The area is a typically Greek district and it’s a bit noisy. Animal lovers should bring pet food as there are many poor and hungry stray cats in Crete. Custom-built for the Adriatic Coast, this luxury yacht hosts just 36 guests and provides the perfect home for your discovery of Croatia and Montenegro. Dock in charming ports bigger ships can’t access and retire in style after each day of exciting sightseeing.

15 offers accommodations with free WiFi, air conditioning, a restaurant and a bar. This apartment provides a casino.The apartment has 1 be... The Hedgehog cabin, as we call it, is in the heart of downtown Sofia. Available refrigerator and hot water kettle for instant coffee and tea. Sofia Spectrum invites you into a 1BD masterpiece where vibrant hues dance with designer flair. This flat blends aesthetics with a burst of colors that breathe life into every corner.

From the sleek kitchen to the cozy bedroom, each space is a canvas... Once you know what kind of apartment you want, investigate the market for available ones to access a wide range of potential options. Enjoy an exclusive and lavish cocktail party at Vienna’s City Palace. Savour a private concert with an orchestral performance of Mozart and Strauss, and music from the Mozart Boys’ Choir. APT is particularly noteworthy for thoughtful touches that go over and above other lines. Prior to the cruise we received a large rucksack, washing bag, personalised cruise itinerary and magnetic name tags.

Discover inspiration for your next trip of a lifetime and prepare for the excitement ahead with these articles. This cozy brand new studio is situated in a lovely quiet area close to the historical heart of Sofia. It's an ideal base to discover Bulgaria's vibrant capital and to relax after a long day of sightseeing. Private apartment with double bed, air conditioning, private bathroom, cable TV and WiFi. In close proximity to many restaurants, bars and clubs, the main street of Sofia and many attractions.The a... Sofia has been named one of the top ten places for start-up businesses in the world, especially in information technologies.

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